WPGridBuilder filters no longer work after installing Scalability Pro.

Eric E. asked 1 month ago

I installed, configured with the settings I felt were the right ones, then tried my site. After selecting any of the product filters, no products were returned. I deactivated the plugin and everything returned to normal. Is there anything I can do or should I consider it incompatible and just get a refund? Site is https://jxj225vmij-staging.onrocket.site/shop

1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 1 month ago

Please visit the WP Query tab in spro settings, disable the option to disable ‘private’ items for admins.

Please read each option carefully before enabling. Some options deliberately alter functionality which can involve even stopping functionality. It depends on your site if the option is for you. Please read carefully.

Eric E. replied 1 month ago

OK…disabling the option “Remove SQL_CALC_ROWS on the front-end (fastest)” fixed the issue.

Dave H. Staff replied 1 month ago

Sorry – I meant the Archive tab which lets you alter WP Query functionality. If you disable these ones, it’s one of these that’s interfering with how Grid Builder work – let me know which option it was so we can update our FAQ.

Eric E. replied 1 month ago

Perhaps that’s the problem then…I don’t have a “WP Query” tab. The tabs I see are: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/iva1s3git39tbyu2qnigc/CleanShot-2024-09-10-at-10.56.16.jpg?rlkey=7uv2e29x5xecronerbnb1rhir&dl=0

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