WP All Import Problem

. asked 5 years ago

Hello, I'm importing products through WP All Import to a WooCommerce site with Scalability Pro activated (all settings on fastest except for pagination and sort), but the site is experiencing difficulties right now. I can't access to the Manage Imports page, it keeps loading without finishing. Now I disabled the WP All Import plugin and I can't activate it again. I'm seeing no errors on the logs from apache2 and mysql but only in the debug.log files from WordPress:

PHP Notice: register_taxonomy was called incorrectly. Taxonomy names must be between 1 and 32 characters in length.

I see this line many times (5,000 or more times).

I know this is related to WP All Import rather than Scalability Pro, is there any other place where I could get a hint of what and why is happening this? Maybe another log or debugging technique.

Thank you,


1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 5 years ago

Well the error is telling you either register_taxonomy is being called with an empty string for the name, or a really long taxonomy name. Since you’re correlating this with WP All Import, it’s most likely a product attribute name that’s too long or empty so first thing I’d do is check the product attributes and possibly the category names too.

Other than that, WP All Import not activating without reporting an error sounds like you’re maybe running out of memory per script. You can increase the memory limit to test this by adding this to wp-config.php:

define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘256M’);

(or higher if you need to)

I’m going to hazard a guess that you maybe used another plugin to automatically import and set product attributes? There’s a plugin I’ve seen before that does that and it causes a crazy increase in RAM usage, so if this is the case you should fix your product attributes – increase the memory limit to allow access then fix the attributes.

Giu replied 5 years ago

Removing the old import files from WP All Import reduced the loading time from the “Manage Imports” page drastically.

However, the attributes admin page is taking 88s to load. Is there any way to improve the loading time of that page?

Giu replied 5 years ago

First of all, thank you very much for the response.

I restored the site to a state before this was occurring, but after importing more products, the problems have started again. I can’t access the Manage Imports page of WP All Import and I don’t see any errors, the page just keeps loading. I increased the memory limit to 1024M, but I still can’t access.

I’m using a DigitalOcean droplet with these specifications: Type Standard, Shared CPU, 4 vCPUs, 8 GB RAM, 160 GB SSD, 5 TB. I also followed your guide to configure the server and WordPress.

I used WP All Import to create the taxonomies from the attributes, probably there are thousands of attributes longer than 32 characters, since I didn’t have any problems before it seems strange that this could be the reason of the problems. I’ll try to find a PHP script or tool to edit them in bulk, if that’s even possible.

== Server Environment ==
Operating System: Linux
Software: Apache/2.4.29 (Ubuntu)
MySQL version: MySQL Community Server – GPL v8.0.19
PHP Version: 7.4.3
PHP Max Input Vars: 5000
PHP Max Post Size: 65M
GD Installed: Yes
ZIP Installed: Yes
Version: 5.4.1
WP Multisite: No
Max Upload Size: 65 MB
Memory limit: 1024M

== Active Plugins ==
Advanced Custom Fields – Version: 5.8.12
Autoptimize – Version: 2.7.3
Custom Post Type UI – Version: 1.7.4
Duplicator – Version: 1.3.34
DynamicConditions – Version: 1.4.6
Elementor – Version: 2.9.12
Elementor Pro – Version: 2.10.2
GDPR Cookie Consent – Version: 1.8.8
PDF Embedder – Version: 4.6
Redirection – Version: 4.8
Scalability Pro – Version: 4.61
Stop Generating Unnecessary Thumbnails – Version: 3.0.4
Store Toolkit for WooCommerce – Version: 2.2
The SEO Framework – Version: 4.0.7
WooCommerce – Version: 4.2.0
WP-DBManager – Version: 2.80.3
WP All Import – ACF Add-On – Version: 3.2.6
WP All Import – WooCommerce Add-On Pro – Version: 3.2.2
WP All Import Pro – Version: 4.6.0
WP Super Cache – Version: 1.7.1

I had some problems deactivating WP Super Cache and then activating Redis Cache but I’m planning to do it after fixing this.


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