Wp All Import

J V. asked 3 years ago

Hi Dave!

I will import images link with your External IMage plugin using WP All import.

So I will setup a custom field called "external_image_url", but how do I also mass import the ALT text of each image?

Thank you!


1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 3 years ago

Import the images to external_image_url field, separated by | symbol. This field is a new custom postmeta field that you enter in whatever import tool you are using.

For alt text, I’m releasing an update shortly (should be this week) to provide this option. Currently, you cannot import the alt-texts – sorry about this! Currently, you can edit the featured image alt text, but there is no way to edit the gallery image alt texts or variation featured/gallery alt texts either.

This will all be fixed asap.

Your Answer

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