WordPress Price Comparison Pro Plugin
I just bought and installed this plugin, but it doesn't work. The website I installed it to is bioflexresellers.com and a product which is set up is http://bioflexresellers.com/product/hydroflex/
No amount of changing settings can remove an error in the console stating:
(index):936 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'www.oxygenefl.com.au' of null
Please let me know how I can make this plugin work. My email is marketing@bulknutients.com.au
Ok – for any websites you are scraping, you must go to the Settings page of Price Comparison Pro and enter a new row for that website.
You should enter the domain name without http or https and without slashes – e.g. http://www.superspeedyplugins.com
You should choose an image URL.
You should enter the CSS selectors for the price from that website. What this means is visit a product page for that website, right click the price, choose ‘Inspect Element’, then copy the CSS selector from the right hand side of the Chrome Inspector window that looks the most relevant.
e.g. If I visit: http://www.oxygenefl.com.au/products2/komodo-sport-ls.aspx?lv.crumb=80160 I right click the price and the top CSS selector on the right hand side looks correct which is:
.i001-detail-price-info0 .i001-detail-price
Paste that into your website config for price comparison pro and now any URLs you enter will use this configuration and extract the price using this CSS selector. i.e. configure once per website, then you can add as many URLs as you wish.
I am happy that Mr. Hilditch was able to resolve your issue. Please note that we have an array of updates, features and improvements coming in for the Price Comparison Pro. They will remove many of the current glitches and performance issues. Do not hesitate to contact us again with any further inquiries on this or any other matter.
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Dear sir,
We are about to buy this plugin for our purpose .As per description we can only see the following url eg. amazon , ebay etc.
However we like to access following ;-
It is also worth to mention that we would not like to pay “very high”.
Thanks & Regards
I get a message saying ‘access to this site is restricted’. Can you provide access so I can take a look?