Will I use your plugins well when i want to promote local merchants products on my site?

. asked 5 years ago

Will I use your plugins well when i want to promote local merchants products on my site?

especially I want to get products searching result and price ,and count how much order assign from these local merchants?


1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 5 years ago

Price Comparison Pro includes two widgets for you to use.

The Search Comparison widget can show multiple products from multiple merchants on your site in a variety of differently styled displays or even fullscreen like with WooCommerce archive pages. This approach doesn’t require you to store product info on your site as everything is pulled when the search occurs.

The Price Comparison widget can show a price comparison table of specific URLs (products) that you specify. You can import these using whatever import tool, and ideally you use this in conjunction with WooCommerce but it can also run in a shortcode on a single page or post.

I don’t understand the last question about ‘assigning how many orders’ for each merchant – are you drop shipping for these merchants or simply affiliating with them and advertising/sharing their products with your users?

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