Uploading products into WooCommerce

. asked 5 years ago


Hope you're well.

I'm currently managing a website where there are 132,000 products that need to be uploaded. The web devloper i'm working with on this started the import however after 40,000 products it would take an entire day to upload 100 product with it timing out multiple times.

Will any of your plugins help with the import and what is needed on the site prior to this, for example the site is currently hosted on BlueHost for the year.

If you could please help me I would be greatful.

Kind Regards,


1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 4 years ago

Scalability Pro is what you’re looking for. The optimisations in this plugin specifically help with the import job of checking if the item needs to be inserted or updated – i.e. Scalability Pro massively speeds up the check in wp_postmeta and wp_posts to see if the item being imported already exists.

What that means is that with Scalability Pro, the import speed will remain the same as your import progresses – the import will not slow down once you’re at 40,000 items inserted etc.

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