Super Speedy Pack on Divi

Stephen P. asked 3 years ago


I have purchased the Super Speedy Pack. Installed all plugins to my Divi website.

From what I understand from reading the documentation, the filters are through WP widgets. So in Appearance > Widgets I can create the filters, then in the Divi template add the sidebar or widget area. Which is fine, I have done that.

The issue I'm facing is the filters don't seem to be dynamic. ie: If I'm on the category archive of Bags, I just want to see the child categories of bags, and any other filters just need to show the relevant options from the current loop of products on that archive. I've tried changed the settings in the widget but it doesn't seem to be working. Also having trouble making a colour swatch selector for the colour attribute - I can't see where to add the colour swatches.

Another strange issue is Super Speedy Search keeps telling me that it's building tables in the WP dashboard. It says its finished each time but then just does it again.

Also do I need Redis Cache on to get this working faster?

1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 3 years ago

The filters will work on any shop archive. Please ensure you check the settings in Settings > Super Speedy Filters > Advanced Tab – and confirm that pre_get_posts override is enabled. This is the piece that intercepts the main query on the shop archive and interprets the pretty permalinks.

That should fix it.

Installing Redis cache helps speed up Super Speedy Filters a lot, but it should be ultra fast already without it.

If you continue having issues, please visit the my-account area and click the Discord link from inside your account to come chat to me directly in one of our plugin channels.

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Super Speedy Plugins