Super Speady Search Button Color and Form Widht

Roman T. asked 2 years ago

Hello dears.

I am a big WPIntense fan and have 3 Plugins of it.

I need to know how can i change the color of the searchbutton and change the widht for the searchform. Best way to do is with custom css in my theme.

I hope you can help me.

Regards Roman

1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 1 year ago

Hi – sorry about missing this question!

The searchform uses 100% of the width of the container it’s placed within, so to adjust the width you could adjust the width of its container.

Alternatively, right click the input box and hit INSPECT ELEMENT then on the right hand side you will see the CSS selectors being applied to the elements.

The colours all aim to be inherited from your theme.

Your Answer

Super Speedy Plugins