Scalability Pro

Sean R. asked 7 years ago

I installed Scalability Pro and tried to import 10,000 products and it still hangs when I try this. The reason I bought this plugin is because I wanted to be able to import 1 million products at a time but Scalability Pro is not helping to do this.

1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi – firstly, Scalability Pro cannot help EVERY import plugin. Some plugins do not import in a scalable way.

We recommend WP All Import to ensure your imports work.

Secondly, Scalability Pro speeds up WP All Import by adding indexes which make it quicker for the import tool to tell if a product or post already exists. That means you won’t see slowdown as the import progresses and as your store increases in size.

Finally, you should check out my guide to optimising your imports by eliminating extra image sizes that you don’t need – the majority of the time, slow imports are caused by either DB lookups (which Scalability Pro solves) or by image generation.

To speed up image generation, you can either get our External Images plugin and simply avoid importing images, or you can follow this guide I made to cut down on the number of image sizes you’re creating:

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