Rocket Stack

. asked 8 years ago


The login email was extremely delayed.

I have a fairly popular woocommerce website it has a 4000+ products our server currently fails/crashes when we get a decent amount of traffic 50-200 orders in a short period of time. This happens at the start of the month with the launch of our newsletter. The rest of the month it's not too bad its still a bit slow but is useable.

We do have a lot of woocommerce plugins installed which don't help the situation.

I'm thinking if we deploy the rocket stack and scalability pro - we will be at a good standing. We are looking at deploying this at because this is a good Aussie based VPS provider.

We would like to know is the support for the rocket stack really required? What is done with the support? We don't really require much support - only support issues would be system down but I guess that would be resolved with just a vps reboot?



Dave Hilditch replied 8 years ago

re: quantity of orders – this is where the rocket stack and scalability pro really help – there are a number of reasons why combinations of plugins like woocommerce + whatever else you’re using cause performance issues with decent quantities of orders.

. replied 8 years ago

Maybe a 3 server stack would be a good idea?

1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 8 years ago

You definitely don’t need a 3-server stack for only 4000ish products. You want to consider a 3-server stack when you’re approaching 500,000 products or more.

The support is NOT required – there is a standalone rocket stack option.

I have a faster way of building the rocket stack almost completed – if you’d like to use that, I can give you a discount, but you’d have to bear with me to get it finalised – would probably take 3 days from purchase if you can handle that?

Dave Hilditch replied 8 years ago

If you need further help with this, please submit a ticket.

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