Problems with the licence FWW

Iain M. asked 4 years ago

Hi it seems my licences have expired, I cant remember what I bought in first place but I use you scalability and external images plugin. Can you advise if I can update. I also wouldnt mind your advice, I think I have a good case study for you:) We have 2.5m products in our database (live site) and now hitting cpu issues. Need some advice optimising this, as we have 2m requests on sites and we seem to be hitting cpu issues regardless of server size (e.g 16 CPU).

1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 3 years ago

Hi – if you can please email me on and tell me your order numbers. I’ll get you a 50% off coupon to upgrade.

re: your 2.5m products in your database, yes I can help. Any reason you’re not also using Faster Woo Widgets? If not, what filtering plugin are you using?

For optimisation, I can help you get FWW optimised etc, or if you want something more bespoke and thorough we have the performance analysis and optimisation service:

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