Price comparison pro

. asked 8 years ago

Hi there,

The price is not loading for 2 of my url's. It keeps saying "Checking".

I can click on the "check@ button and it will refresh and say checked 0s ago - but the price area still only says "checking"


have tried various css selectors and also leaving it blank - no luck.

Can you check and advise please?



Jared Varley replied 8 years ago

Hi Glen,

Sorry for the delay in reply. I am checking in to see if you resolved your issue?

We recently solved this elsewhere due to a server misconfiguration rather than a bug in the plugin. I’ll be happy to help you with solving any issues you still have with the plugin.


1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi – the only server requirement is that you have the following in your php.ini file:

allow_url_fopen = On

If you have a private server, that will pretty much definitely be the case. If you don’t, you may need to alter php.ini to set this.

Note: In dev, we have a variation on this where if fopen is not possible we fall back to using cURL. Not perfect, but will help others in future.

Your Answer

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