Manual sorting of attributes (terms) in WPI widget

Michel J. asked 8 years ago


I want to manually sort my attributes (terms) in the backend of woocommerce. No problem there. But when I test this with your Scalability widget it doesn't work. I tested it with the default woocommerce widget and no problem there. How can this be achieved? Do you have a workaround available?

My problem is when I use months in the widgets for example; january, february, may, august etc. Your plugin sets it to alphabetical so I am getting august, february, january, may.

With kinds regards,


1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi – you are correct, the current live version is sorting – not by name – by slug.
The workaround at the moment would be to alter the slug, but if you can hold off until I get this next version out it handles sorting by custom sort order as you would expect.
Update: This is fixed in most recent version, so it’ll sort by menu_order then slug.

Michel J. replied 8 years ago

Thanx Dave, tjhis is working perfectly now. You can close this thread as resolved!

Dave Hilditch replied 8 years ago

I have this fixed now. It’ll deploy shortly in version 1.05. For some reason Woo are using wp_termmeta to store the ordering when there’s a perfectly specific term_order column on the wp_term_relationships table.

Michel J. replied 8 years ago

Hello Dave, yes I am using the latest version (v1.04) I already send you my login credentials, please have a look at it, you can see for yourself.

Dave Hilditch replied 8 years ago

Hi – please confirm you have v1.04? I have updated that to include sorting by both term_order and menu_order so it SHOULD work for you now. Let me know if it doesn’t and I’ll investigate further in your case.

Michel J. replied 8 years ago

Hello Dave, I have tested this on my website but this isn’t working. january, february, may, august etc. is still set to alphabetical so I am getting august, february, january, may. etc.

Dave Hilditch replied 8 years ago

Yes this is fixed. It now sorts by menu_order first, then slug.

Michel J. replied 8 years ago

Hello Dave, did you already solve this issue in a newer release?

Dave Hilditch replied 8 years ago

No sorry – client stuff still – if you drop me an email to with access details I can log in and make the single edit required to fix this particular issue

Michel J. replied 8 years ago

Hello Dave, any news on the update?

Michel J. replied 8 years ago

I know the feeling Dave of client works keeping superceding. Good luck!

Dave Hilditch replied 8 years ago

I’ve been trying to get it live the past 4 days but client work keeps superceding it. It might be live today, if not then I’m pretty certain tomorrow.

Michel J. replied 8 years ago

Thanks Dave for your fast answer. Do you know when the next version will be available? I have a website going live on may 1.

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