Issues After Installation Scalability Pro

. asked 6 years ago


I have had a few issues since installing Scalability Pro, indexing and setting a couple of the features.

1) Product Search in WooCommerce stopped working in Admin

It is sending all of the filters to the URL but returning results

If I change the URL to be the search term and post_type only ... it works.

2) Turning on 'Remove pagination' from Admin results in us only seeing the first page of products.

Should it not show all?

The reason I wanted to turn off pagination is because paging through Variations (5+ pages) locks up.

This one was the entire reason for purchasing your product

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide

1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 6 years ago

Hi – if product search has stopped working, it is likely that you have the experimental WHERE Exists feature enabled. Can you provide a screenshot of the settings you have?

re: pagination, this definitely shouldn’t be happening – what this functionality does is to avoid counting the total pages and instead it spoofs wordpress into thinking there are 100+ pages.

Normally you’d then use an infinite scroll along with this feature.

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