How does the plugin work in multistores?

. asked 5 years ago

Hello .We want to buy the woomultistore plugin for multi-store WooCommerce. We have 13 stores and our number of products is 1 million and most of these products are common in our stores.I contacted the woomultistore plugin support. They said their plugin works in a way that copies products into every store. That means we will actually have 13 million products and they do not guarantee that it will perform well with this number of products.I wanted to see if this plugin is compatible with your plugin and your plugin can manage this number of products? ‌

1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 5 years ago

You will need two of our plugins since the standard WooCommerce filters (and all other third party woo filters plugins we’ve tested) are badly coded with their SQL generating horrific queries.

Our plugin that fixes this is Faster Woo Widgets. That speeds up your filters, then Scalability Pro speeds up other aspects of your archive pages and wp-admin pages. So those two plugins will help you get the fast speed you’re looking for, no limit on number of products.

If you are adding product search as well, then you’ll also need our Super Speedy Search plugin as this uses a fulltext index which gives you sub-second search results regardless of how many millions of products you have, so long as you have a half decent server/stack.

You can get all 3 of these plugins in our plugin pack.

Dave H. Staff replied 5 years ago

Please note: I have not tested this with WooMultiStore, but I’ll provide support for you to ensure you get the speed you’re looking for. If WooMultiStore uses multisite under the hood, then these plugins will already work – you need to recreate the indexes with Scalability Pro on each site. If it does something else custom then I may need to alter or add some indexes to support the speed you’re looking for.

Your Answer

Super Speedy Plugins