FWW – dofollow links

Patrik P. asked 3 years ago

Did anyone tried to change nofollow atribute from FWW in \"Inline Product Filters\"https://www.superspeedyplugins.com/knowledgebase/inline-product-attribute-filters/Or other question: how can I make those links dofollow?Thanks a lot!

Patrik P. replied 3 years ago

Not sure why link was malformed: https://www.superspeedyplugins.com/knowledgebase/inline-product-attribute-filters/

2 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 3 years ago

Hi – I defaulted the inline filters to nofollow for search engines since the inline filters are an additional convenience for users.

You will typically have filters in the sidebar which are dofollow.

I have some more work to do on the inline filters – I’ve been adding image capability to them – so I can add the option to allow these filters to follow the regular rules of your other filters if you wish – i.e. to make them follow the dofollow/nofollow rules based on the SEO tab in Settings > Super Speedy Filters.

Do you want to be able to ALWAYS make them dofollow, or are you looking to get them to follow the other follow-rules based on your SEO tab?

Patrik P. replied 3 years ago

I am saying that inline filters produce backlinks for “deep”, long tail keyword subpages of affiliate web. From the ONPAGE SEO point those kinda internal backlinks might improve search engine presence of theese long tail keyword subpages.

For example, general subpage, that you have no chance to rank: “domain/shoes”; can produce 100s of backlinks to supages like “domain/shoes/nike/sneakers” “domain/women/shoes/nike/red” “domain/shoes/asics/red” “domain/men/shoes/salomon/black”…. all for better internal linking within domain might be better for onpage SEO. /like wikipedia for example/.

Sitemap is great for indexing, thats really awesome, if it will be implemented, but having backlinks within domain can bring additional better results too /I hope, I would like to test,…/

Thanks for looking into it.

Dave H. Staff replied 3 years ago

We’re adding a sitemap to super speedy filters soon. But if you’re saying inline filters are producing different URLs to your sidebar filters then that’s a bug that I need to fix.

Patrik P. replied 3 years ago

Sorry for writing too much šŸ˜€ , but inline filters autogenerate subpages “domain/filter/shoes/nike” “domain/filter/shoes/nike/black” “domain/filter/shoes/nike/size-38″…

So these long tail keyword pages have much better chance in search engines, and I simply never had good experience with indexing those subpages via widgets at the sidebars /using dropdown options mostly/. Creation of custom make sitemaps is also really slow, time consuming process…

Patrik P. replied 3 years ago

This request comes from the finding of ?kinda? duplicate content that is linked with fww.

Lets just say that you setup your permalinks as “filter” and also “Attributes-only permalink base” as a “filter. Then, fww + WP + woo will create on your WP instal:


and also


Which are completely identical subpages..so I am trying to find some way around it. I am testing redirects from domain/filter/brand/nike to domain/filter/nike and if links in “inline filters” will become dofollow, that might streghten web in search engines /hence avoiding creation of large amount of duplicate subpages/.

Patrik P. replied 3 years ago

Yes that would be great to have option to choose dofollow and nofollow /sitewide – keep it simple:D/.

Dave Hilditch Staff answered 3 years ago

I have implemented a technique for you to make these inline filters always DO FOLLOW:
Basically, update to latest 4.02 and then add the following to your wp-config.php file to switch this feature on:

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