. asked 3 years ago

Hi Dave,we are using FWW plugin and i believe there is a bug or a very important feature is missing.When i am on attribute page (brand attribute for example), there is absolutely no possibility to filter by product category, which is odd and super inconvenient for users. I definitely would like to be able to filter by category when i am on brand page, because there might be several categories inside one brand name.The second feature would be super great to have - filtered landing pages: for example, attribute + price landing page, which would have its own browser title and H1 tag. Do you think its possible to realise?The last question i would like to ask is the compability issue with Permalink manager pro plugin - last year around Oktober you mentioned that it shoudl be ready by the end of November - is there any update on that too?Thank you in advance and have a nice day.Best,Ekaterina

1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 3 years ago

You definitely can filter by category no matter which page you land on.

What you are referring to is the difference between ‘standard’ and ‘adaptive’ taxonomy filters. Our filters have this option built in – visit the widget settings and choose Adaptive and then the other filters (e.g. brand, colour, style etc) will all be retained when a user clicks on a category.

Standard filters would be used when you instead wish to reset the other filters when users change category.

re: Attribute + Price landing page – how is the price represented here? Is it the price range (minprice=x) or have you created a price attribute for budget, mid-range, luxury?

re: landing pages – the week after next I am starting this coding to add SEO landing pages for any combination of filters chosen by admins – you will be able to set the browser title, meta tags, h1 title, gutenberg html above and html below the products.

re: Permalink manager pro – no, not yet sorry! We are hard at work focused on releasing Super Speedy Search from beta this week with tidy up next week and then my sole focus will be Faster Woo Widgets.

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