Could the Scalability Pro work on a wordpress site that is not using WooCommerce?

. asked 3 years ago


I have a local news website that has 99,883 published posts, 512,545 approved comments and 161,076 items uploaded to the media.

Would we benifit from using Scalability Pro?


1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 3 years ago

Yes definitely, Scalability Pro is not just for WooCommerce, it’s just that WooCommerce tends to be the kind of sites that end up this large.

Scalability Pro speeds up your archive queries amongst other things.

You should also consider Super Speedy Search since your search is probably not very fast or accurate currently.

Super Speedy Filters is currently the only plugin I have that is for WooCommerce only, and that plugin will be for filtering all post types by August.

Your Answer

Super Speedy Plugins