Compatibility with a custom product importer based on DB operations and not Woo REST API

. asked 3 months ago

Hi David,

thanks for magnificent work, I sure hope I will be able to use it, hence my Q:

We use a custom importer of products into Woo from an external ERP, which both for performance and extensibilty reasons is based on direct DB operations rather than using the Woo REST API. It works very well, synchronising efficiently the webshop with the ERP, by simply operating on all the Woo tables associated with a product and its taxonomies:



taxonomy tables

product / attribute lookup tables


All standard tables, nothing weird, nothing fancy. But with the caveat that any Woo (or WP) action / filter that for example a product creation via the REST API would trigger, is not of course triggered. Never been an issue, but we are aware it can be an issue for third-party plugins / integrations that rely on those action / filters (e.g. marketing platforms that import products into their system for segmentation, and listens to the 'Woo New Product Created' action hook).

Is your speed monster plugin (and associated filter & search siblings) one of these plugins? If yes, are we able, every time for example the importer creates a new product, to trigger the DB operations / tuning your framework require?

A similar case we have is with Relevanssi, a very good search plugin which requires its own index. Thus, every time the importer creates or deletes products, we need to call the Relevanssi API to update the index to keep it in synch.

Looking forward to hear from you and thanks in advance


1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 3 months ago

Hi – yes – this would apply to Super Speedy Search and Super Speedy Filters. If the save_post action is not being called when items are added or updated, then the table maintenance does not occur.

But we have efficient rebuild jobs which can be executed at the end of an import, e.g.

wp sss rebuild

wp ssf rebuild

Your Answer

Super Speedy Plugins