There are 4 display styles available for the price comparison widget.
If you are using the price comparison widget with WooCommerce, visit wp-admin -> Price Comparison Pro -> Price Comparison then find the ‘Default display style’ area and choose your preference.
If instead you are using shortcodes, you can use the displaystyle attribute, e.g:
[pricecomparisonpro urls="url1,url2,url3, etc" affiliateurls="affurl1, affurl2, affurl3, etc" displaystyle="floatright"] [pricecomparisonpro urls="url1,url2,url3, etc" affiliateurls="affurl1, affurl2, affurl3, etc" displaystyle="floatleft"] [pricecomparisonpro urls="url1,url2,url3, etc" affiliateurls="affurl1, affurl2, affurl3, etc" displaystyle="fullwidth"] [pricecomparisonpro urls="url1,url2,url3, etc" affiliateurls="affurl1, affurl2, affurl3, etc" displaystyle="panel"]
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