We prefer Discord over email because it allows for live chat with us and our performance-focused customers. Public questions on Discord or our website get top priority over private messages. We can’t guarantee responses to private messages; they should only be used for sensitive info. Dave Hilditch answers public questions daily on Discord and our website, benefiting all customers and aiding in FAQ creation.
Table of Contents
Public Q&A
Browse existing questions or ask a new question on our Super Speedy Plugins Q&A page. We quite like this as each answer is open to the public, so future users can find the answers they’re looking for. All questions and comments trigger a Discord notification for us to answer asap.
- We receive notification in Discord
- We answer as soon as possible
- Our website benefits from the SEO of the Q&A
- Other customers can find the answer
- Our KB writers can write up generic FAQs
- BUT Clunky old-school interface
- AND Not a real-time chat system, Discord is better
Discord Channels
By far our favourite way to communicate. We have dedicated channels for each plugin, plus a selection of channels to discuss performance, plugins, themes, and more. We can use these questions to update our FAQs and Knowledge Base articles to continue improving our support.
- We receive notification in Discord
- We answer as soon as possible
- Other users get to see activity and assist
- Potential customers see liveliness of Discord
- Is searchable by others inside Discord
- Our KB writers can write up generic FAQs
- Uses the fantastic chat interface of Discord
- We can paste screenshots, videos and more
- Better for everyone! Come join our Discord!
- This is the best option. Do this!
Private Discord DMs
Please don’t do this unless we have specifically asked you to. This will only happen if we are asking for more private information like order numbers or website details. Any other messages will most likely be ignored.
- Not searchable by other users
- Not readable by our KB writers, can’t make FAQS
- Not good for our SEO
- Annoys Dave
Private Discord Direct Messages (DMs) should only be used for:
- Private credentials
- Your DM should include a link to our channel chat, go to your channel chat, right-click, copy link, paste in the DM

Don’t annoy Dave!