Birthday BBQ Coupon

Glyn Storms

It’s my birthday on the 18th! I’m a big fan of birthdays and an even bigger fan of food, so this year I’m hosting a probably slightly larger-than-reasonable birthday BBQ to celebrate myself and feed my friends. So, why not also a birthday BBQ sale, all week long?

Since we did a sale for Dave’s birthday recently, we thought we’d do another one for mine. It seems like a good tradition to continue, and most importantly, one we should be able to remember every year.

As my birthday is on the 18th (Yay!), we’re offering an 18% discount coupon for any of our plugin and pack licenses, valid until the 23rd of August.

A little dingy with a cooler inside it floating in clear water, because it's my birthday. Claim your birthday bbq coupon in Discord
Great birthday boat idea.

We’ve been spending a lot of time on automation to streamline our process, so this is a great opportunity to test one of our new Discord bots: Coupon-Bot! Head on over to our Discord server and say “Happy Birthday Glyn,” in any of our public support channels and our new bot will send a coupon code straight to your direct messages.

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