Happy Birthday to Dave! Celebrate with Us for a Whole Week with a 24% Off Coupon

Glyn Storms

It’s Dave Hilditch’s Birthday, and because we like celebrating our birthdays for a whole week, we decided to involve you. Look at how excited he is with his little hat. He won’t take it off all week,

Dave Hilditch from Super Speedy Plugins in his little party hat. Happy Birthday to Dave

A Happy Birthday to Dave and a Happy Coupon to You

Get a one-time 24% off all the plugins in your cart. Why 24% you ask? Because Dave is 48 now and I think everyone that knows him will agree that the number does not fit the man. Maybe when he is 96 we will do a 48% coupon – don’t hold me to that.

Pick your plugins, head on over to your cart and add the coupon code: DAVEISOLD

Make sure you use this before June 21st 2024 – He only gets one birthday a year!

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Super Speedy Plugins